We have been extremely busy over the past number of weeks bringing our design ideas into reality in a different way.
As a creative agency (meet us here) we are continuing to grow at a rate of knots. Great news for our clients, because it means we have a wider range of skill sets and fresh views... but not so great for our office elbow space. Things were getting a little cramped in there!
'The last straw was the coffee machine getting relegated out of the office - SO WE MOVED!'
It’s a known fact in the ‘creative’ space, that the rich aroma of recently brewed coffee increases productivity by 34.4% (totally not made up).
New Creative Space
Our new custom creative studio (just around the corner from the old office) brings more room, more people, space to collaborate, space to meet, glass, concrete, and (of course) more coffee. We're loving it so far. It looks awesome and it's our home for the next few years.
'As long as it’s matt black, we have a space for it in our studio’.
We are honestly so pleased with the results, we didn’t want to stop there, so we continued to perform a rebrand of our Monday Media logo at the same time (as you do).
'What do you think?'
Feel free to give Monday Media a call and pop in for a chat and see what we have done to the place.